Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
A program made up of dedicated, caring, and specially trained professionals who provide an accessible, comprehensive, organized approach to redirecting and controlling the harmful aspects of stress caused by a traumatic or critical incident. Services are provided to Emergency Services and Healthcare Personnel.
SOUTHERN PRAIRIE CISM TEAM - Team Lead: Jeanetta Nieuwsma (712) 314-2152, Alternate Team Lead: Teri Van Kooten (641) 629-0112. Counties Covered: Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, Wapello and Wayne.
CISM Brochure (Click Here)
SA1C Mental Health Brochures
Learning Platforms
- Administration For Strategic Preparedness And Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center, and Information Exchange (TRACIE)
- American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response
- FEMA Continous Improvement Technical Assistance Program (CITAP)
- International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety
- Internaitonal Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Inc. (icisf)
- Iowa Homeland Security & Emergency Management Training
- National Center for Disaster Medicine and Public Health
- National Disaster Life Support Foundation
- National Disaster Preparedness Training Center
- Region VII Disaster Health Response Ecosystem
- Rural Domestic Preparedness Training
- Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub)
- TEEX Preparedness Training
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
- Training and Continuing Education Online (TCEO)
- Prepare Iowa (Training -
The IS 800 class is only required for the "Preparedness Coordinator" position on the NIMS Training Record. The PIO Class is required for all listed in the NIMS Training Record under the PIO position. Please check Iowa Homeland Security's Training page for any open classes. (
- ICS 100: IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
- ICS 200: FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
- ICS 700: FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
- ICS 800: IS-800.D: National Response Framework, An Introduction (Emergency Preparedness Lead)
- IS-2200: Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions (Preparedness lead complete by 6/30/25, all others listed in NIMS complete by 6/30/2026)
- PIO: FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course
- Homeland Security Exercise & Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
- Read how to apply by clicking on the hyperlink
- Pre-requisites
- L0146: HSEEP Training Course (In-person classroom style)
- K0146: HSEEP Training Course (Virtual classroom)
Across Disciplines FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations & Terms
News-Press Releases Powerpoint
Commonly Asked Questions by Journalists
PIO Sample Questions for Practice
PIO Incident Organizer Toolkit
Communicating in a Crisis PowerPoint
CDC NCEH/ASDR Multimedia Tools
Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)
- HHS Risk Communication Resources
- Media Guides
- HHS/CDC Resources
- Community Right-to-Know Information
RadResponder Public Information Library
- American Hospital Association Cybersecurity Incident Preparedness & Response
- CyberGeek - CMS Information Security & Privacy Group (ISPG)
- Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Alerts for Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog
- Federal Information Security Management Act in 2002
- Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (sometimes called FISMA Reform)
- Healthcare & Public Health Cybersecurity HUB (CISA)
- Healthcare System Cybersecurity Readiness & Response Considerations
- Hospital Downtime Preparedness Checklist
- IoT Cybersecurity Act of 2020
- National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework
- NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF)
- Voluntary Healthcare-Specific Cybersecurity Performance Goals
- PrepareIowa: Basic Epidemiology Course
Risk Identification & Site Criticality (RISC) Toolkit 2.0
CDC Places: Local Data for Better Health
ASPR TRACIE Evaluation of HVA Tools
- Hospitals:
- Updated HVA Tool (Kaiser Permanente)
- These should be completed each year.
- Public Health:
- PrepareIowa: Hazard Vulnerability Assessment
- These should be completed once every 3 years
Member Resources
Chemical/Medical Response & Surge Exercise Summary
Additional resources and links are available to Service Area 1C Members.