
We've compiled a list of helpful resources and links related to Service Area 1C.

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) 

A program made up of dedicated, caring, and specially trained professionals who provide an accessible, comprehensive, organized approach to redirecting and controlling the harmful aspects of stress caused by a traumatic or critical incident. Services are provided to Emergency Services and Healthcare Personnel.

SOUTHERN PRAIRIE CISM TEAM - Team Lead: Jeanetta Nieuwsma (712) 314-2152, Alternate Team Lead: Teri Van Kooten (641) 629-0112. Counties Covered: Appanoose, Clarke, Davis, Decatur, Jefferson, Keokuk, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Ringgold, Union, Wapello and Wayne. 

CISM Brochure (Click Here

SA1C Mental Health Brochures

Appanoose County

Clarke County

Davis County

Decatur County

Lucas County

Mahaska County

Marion County 

Monroe County

Ringgold County

Union County 

Wayne County 

Learning Platforms 


The IS 800 class is only required for the "Preparedness Coordinator" position on the NIMS Training Record. The PIO Class is required for all listed in the NIMS Training Record under the PIO position. Please check Iowa Homeland Security's Training page for any open classes. (

Across Disciplines FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations & Terms 


Spokesperson Tips

News-Press Releases Powerpoint

Commonly Asked Questions by Journalists 

PIO Sample Questions for Practice 

Tips for Spokesperson

PIO Incident Organizer Toolkit 

Communicating in a Crisis PowerPoint

CDC NCEH/ASDR Multimedia Tools 

Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM)

RadResponder Public Information Library 




Risk Identification & Site Criticality (RISC) Toolkit 2.0 

CDC Places: Local Data for Better Health

ASPR TRACIE Evaluation of HVA Tools 

Member Resources

Chemical/Medical Response & Surge Exercise Summary 

Additional resources and links are available to Service Area 1C Members.

Members Login

Service Area 1C

To prepare for, respond to and recover from crisis using all available resources to provide patient care at the appropriate level in the most efficient manner for the best patient outcomes.