
The mission of Service Area 1C Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition (SA1C HERC) is to prepare for, respond to and recover from crisis using all available resources to provide patient care at the appropriate level in the most efficient manner for the best patient outcomes.

Service Area 1C Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition is located in south-central Iowa. Iowa currently has eight service area healthcare coalitions. Each county has their own local healthcare coalition that mirrors members of the service area healthcare coalition.
Service Area 1C Healthcare Emergency Response Coalition has multi-disciplinary groups that bring together individual healthcare organizations work together to respond and coordinate efforts before, during, and after emergencies. These efforts are inclusive of special needs populations. SA1C HERC collaborates with a variety of partners to ensure the necessary medical equipment and supplies, receive timely situational updates, that communication methods are available, and responders are trained and have exercised and are prepared to respond to an emergency.

Member Counties

Member Counties

Grant Coordinators

Teri Van Kooten
EMS Coordinator/Preparedness Program Manager 

Stacy Haas
Public Health Coordinator

Rae King
HPP Coordinator

Fiscal Coordinator/Agent 

Linsey Spoelstra
Marion County Public Health

Service Area 1C

To prepare for, respond to and recover from crisis using all available resources to provide patient care at the appropriate level in the most efficient manner for the best patient outcomes.